
UNICAD: A Unified Approach for Attack Detection, Noise Reduction and Novel Class Identification
Alvaro Lopez Pellcier, Kittipos Giatgong, Yi Li, Neeraj Suri, Plamen Angelov, IEEE WCCI, 2024
The Real Arithmetic in TLAPM
Ovini V.W. Gunasekera, Andrew Sogokon, Antonios Gouglidis, Neeraj Suri, NASA Formal Methods, 2024
The Future of Roads (video)
Joe Deville, Lancaster University Management School, 2024
For the future of driving, take the next left
Joe Deville, 54 Degrees 19, 2024
Explainable Adversarial Learning Framework on Physical Layer Secret Keys Combating Malicious Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
Zhuangkun Wei, Wenxiu Hu, Weisi Guo, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security, 2024
Control Layer Security: Exploiting Unobservable Cooperative States of Autonomous Systems for Secret Key Generation
Zhuangkun Wei and Weisi Guo, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024
On Real Arithmetic in TLA-PM
Ovini V.W. Gunasekera, Andrew Sogokon, Antonios Gouglidis and Neeraj Suri, NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM ’24), 2024
On Specifying for Trustworthiness
Dhaminda B. Abeywickrama, Amel Bennaceur, Greg Chance, Yiannis Demiris, Anastasia Kordoni, Mark Levine, Luke Moffat, Luc Moreau, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Bashar Nuseibeh, Subramanian Ramamoorthy, Jan Oliver Ringert, James Wilson, Shane Windsor, Kerstin Eder (Jan 2024), Communications of the ACM
An Empirical Study of Reflection Attacks Using NetFlow Data
E. Chuah and N. Suri (2024)
Cybersecurity, Springer Open
The effects of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) on fatal crash rates in the United States
A.E. af Wåhlberg*, L. Dorn (2024)
Journal of Safety Research
Scarce data driven deep learning of drones via generalized data distribution space
C. Li, S. Sun, Z. Wei, A. Tsourdos, W. Guo (2023)
Neural Computing and Applications, 35:15095–15108
20 Years of Inferring Interdomain Routing Policies.
Kastanakis S, Leivadeas A, Uhlig S, Javed M, Giotsas V, Livadariu I, Suri N. (2023)
Development of Active Decoy Guidance Policy by Utilising Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
E. Bildik, B. Yuksek, A. Tsourdos, G. Inalhan (2023)
AIAA 2023-2668. Session: Autonomy VII
Real-time on-the-fly Motion planning via updating tree data of RRT
J. Lou, B. Yuksek, G. Inalhan, A. Tsourdos (2023)
AIAA 2023-0786: Autonomy for Advanced Air Mobility Systems I
Fuzzy Detectors Against Adversarial Attacks
Y. Li, P. Angelov, N. Suri, (2023)
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, 2023.
Federated Meta Learning for Visual Navigation in GPS-denied Urban Airspace
B. Yuksek, Z. Yu, N. Suri, G. Inalhan (2023)
AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference
Control Layer Security: A New Security Paradigm for Cooperative Autonomous Systems
W. Guo; Z. Wei; O. Gonzalez; A. Perrusquía; A. Tsourdos (2023)
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine
RAFL: A Robust and Adaptive Federated Meta-Learning Framework Against Adversaries
Z. Yu, Y. Lu, N. Suri (2023)
IEEE 20th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), 2023.
Review of Physical Layer Security in Molecular Internet of Nano-Things
S. Qiu, Z. Wei, Y. Huang, M. Abbaszadeh, J. Charmet, B. Li; W. Guo (2023)
IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience
Relational Approaches to Autonomous System Ethics
L. Moffat (2023)
TAS ’23: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. July 2023. Article 2, pp. 1-7.

Physical-layer Counterattack Strategies for the Internet of Bio-Nano things with Molecular Communication
Y. Huang, M. Wen, L. Lin, B. Li, Z. Wei, D. Tang, J. Li, W. Duan, and W. Guo (2023)
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 82-87
Domain Generalization and Feature Fusion for
Cross-domain Imperceptible Adversarial Attack Detection

Y. Li, P. Angelov, and N. Suri.
IJCNN 2023
Data-driven Synthetic Air Data Estimation System Development
for a Fighter Aircraft

H. Karali, M. Uzun, B. Yuksek, G. Inalhan, (2023).
2023 AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition (AIAA AVIATION Forum), 12-16 June 2023, San Diego, USA. Paper number AIAA 2023-3439
Adversarial Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Against Physical Layer Key Generation
Z. Wei, B. Li and W. Guo (2023).
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (early access)
Privacy-preserving Decentralized Federated Learning over Time-varying Communication Graph
Y. Lu, . Z. Yu, and N. Suri (2023).
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
Specifying Autonomous System Behaviour
A.Sogokon, B. Yuksek, G. Inalhan, and N. Suri (2023). ArXiv
Security Challenges when Space Merges with Cyberspace
V. Varadharajan and N. Suri.
US-Asia-Pacific Space Policy for Autonomous Systems (Feb 2023, Singapore).
Intelligent wargaming approach to increase course of action effectiveness in military operations
Yuksek, B., Guner, G., Karali, H., Candan, B., and Inalhan, G.
23-27 January 2023
National Harbor, MD & Online.
PPFM: An Adaptive and Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Federated Meta-Learning Framework
Z. Yu, Y. Lu, P. Angelov and N. Suri.
IEEE Intl Conf. on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2022)
Secret Key Rate Upper-bound for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-combined System under Spoofing.
Z. Wei, L. Wang and W. Guo.
2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall), W5: Emerging Physical-layer Security Technologies and Applications for B5G and 6G
Understanding the confounding factors of inter-domain routing

S. Kastanakis, V. Giotsas, and N. Suri
2022 IEEE 96th , V. Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall), W5: Emerging Physical-layer Security Technologies and Applications for B5G and 6G
PINCH: An Adversarial Extraction Attack Framework for Deep Learning Models
W. Hackett, S. Trawicki, Z. Yu, N. Suri, and P. Garraghan (Sept 2022)
Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Techniques to Disrupt Attacks in the Cloud
S. Manzoor, A. Gouglidis, M. Bradbury, and N. Suri.
Proc. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security – Posters (ACM CCS) 2022
On Specifying for Trustworthiness D.B. Abeywickrama, A. Bennaceur, G. Chance, Y. Demiris, A. Kordoni, M. Levine, L.Moffat, L. Moreau, M. Mousavi, B. Nuseibeh, S. Ramamoorthy, J.O. Ringert, J. Wilson, S. Windsor, K. Ederpdf
ThreatPro: Multi-Layer Threat Analysis in the Cloud.S. Manzoor, A. Gouglidis, M. Bradbury, and N. Suri (2002) ArXivlink
ThreatPro: Multi-Layer Threat Analysis in the Cloud. S. Manzoor, A. Gouglidis, M. Bradbury, and N. Suri. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security – Posters (ACM CCS) 2022pdf

Similarity-based Deep Neural Network to Detect Imperceptible Adversarial Attacks.

E. Soares, P. Angelov, and N. Suri.
2022 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI)
Towards Effective Performance Fuzzing.
Y. Chen, M. Bradbury and N. Suri.
Proceedings of IEEE ISSRE (FA), 2022.
Ethics Through Design.
M. Alejandra Luján Escalante, L. Moffat, and M. Büscher.
DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain.
A Laguerre-based Distributed Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Scheme for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance on Multi-Rotor UAVs.
O. J. Gonzalez V. and A. Tsourdos.
Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 21st-24th June 2022
SlowCoach: Mutating Code to Simulate Performance Bugs.
Y. Chen, O. Schwahn, R. Natella, M. Bradbury and N. Suri.
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (2002) (Accepted).
A Multi-Eavesdropper Scheme against RIS Secured LoS-dominated Channel
Z. Wei, W. Guo, and B. Li. IEEE Communications Letters, early access, Apr 2022
Transition Flight Control System Design for Fixed-Wing VTOLUAV: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
B. Yuksek and G. Inalhan.
Proceedings of AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum
Development of Reinforcement Learning Based Mission Planning Method for Active Off-board Decoys on Naval Platforms
E. Bildik, B. Yuksek, A. Tsourdos and G. Inalhan.
Proceedings of AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum
Dancing with the Troubles of AI.
M. A.L. Escalante, L. Moffat, L. Harrison, V. Kuh
RADNN: Robust to Imperceptible Adversarial Attacks Deep Neural Network.
E. Soares and P. Angelov.
Challenges in Identifying Network Attacks Using Netflow Data.
E. Chuah, N. Suri, A. Jhumka and S. Alt.
Proc. of NCA, 2021.
An RRT* Based Method for Dynamic MissionBalancing for Urban Air Mobility Under Uncertain Operational Conditions
J. Lou, B. Yuksek, G. Inalhan and A. Tsourdos.
IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2021.
Failure Diagnosis for Cluster Systems using Partial Correlations.
E. Chuah, A. Jhumka, S. Alt, R. Todd Evans, and N. Suri.
The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, 2021
Cooperative Planning for an Unmanned Combat Arial Vehicle Fleet using Reinforcement Learning.
B. Yuksek, U. Demirezen, G. Inalhan and A. Tsourdos.
AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 2021
Fast Kernel Error Propagation Analysis in Virtualized Environments
Nicolas Coppik, Oliver Schwahn and Neeraj Suri
Proc. of ICST, 2021

Researchers' PhD Theses

Intelligent Edge Caching based on Federated Deep Learning
Z. Yu
PhD Thesis, University of Exeter, January 2021
Sampling of Time-Varying Network Signals
from Equation-Driven to Data-Driven Techniques

Z. Wei
PhD Thesis, University of Warwick, December 2020
A Model Based Flight Control System Design Approach for Micro Aerial Vehicles Using Integrated Flight Testing and HIL Simulations
B. Yuksek
PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, November 2019.
Subjects of the Unconditioned:
Kant’s Critical Metaphysics and Aesthetics and Their
Reconstruction in Schelling’s Identity-Philosophy.

L. Moffat
PhD Thesis, Kent University, 2017

Background papers

TraceSanitizer – Eliminating the Effects of Non-determinism on Error Propagation Analysis
Habib Saissi, Stefan Winter, Oliver Schwahn, Karthik Pattabiraman and Neeraj Suri
Proc. of DSN, 2020
Analyzing the Effects of Bugs on Software Interfaces
Roberto Natella, Stefan Winter, Domenico Cotroneo, Neeraj Suri
IEEE Trans. on Software Engg (TSE), 2020
Distributed Systems Security N. Suri, 2019 linkbib
Reinforcement learning based closed-loop reference model adaptive flight control system design
B. Yuksek, G. Inalhan
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2020
System Identification and Model-Based Flight Control System Design for an Agile Maneuvering Quadrotor Platform
B. Yuksek, E. Saldiran, A. Cetin, R. Yeniceri, G. Inalhan
AIAA, 2020
Development of UCAV Fleet Autonomy by Reinforcement Learning in a Wargame Simulation Environment
B. Yuksek, M. Umut Demirezen, G. Inalhan
AIAA, 2021
Assessing Variable Levels of Delegated Control – A Novel Measure of Trust
S. Palmer, D. Richards, G. Shelton-Rayner, K. Izzetoglu, D. Inch.
HCII, 2020
Human-Agent Teaming – an Evolving Interaction Paradigm: An Innovative Measure of Trust
S. Palmer, D. Richards, G. Shelton-Rayner, D. Inch, K. Izzetoglu.
International Symposium of Aviation Psychology, 2019
Adversarial Reinforcement Learning Framework for Benchmarking Collision Avoidance Mechanisms in Autonomous Vehicles.
V. Behzadan, A. Munir.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, April 2019.
A Survey on Security Communication and Control for Smart Grids Under Malicious Cyber Attacks.
C.Peng, H. Sun, M. Yang, Y-L. Wang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems ( Volume: 49, Issue: 8, Aug. 2019)
Cyber Security Challenges and Solutions for V2X communications: A Survey.
A.Alnasser, H.Sun, J.Jiang.
Computer Networks (151, 2019)
A Study of Human-Agent Collaboration for Multi-UAV Task Allocation in Dynamic Environments.
S.D.Ramchurn, J.E.Fischer, Y.Ikuno, F.Wu, J.Flann, A.Waldock
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015)
Planning Search and Rescue Missions for UAV Teams.
C.A.B. Baker, S. Ramchurn, W. T. L.Teacy, N.R. Jennings
ECAI’16: Proceedings of the Twenty-second European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (August 2016)
Security Modeling of Autonomous Systems: A Survey.
F. Jahan, W. Sun, Q. Niyaz, M. Alam
ACM Comput. Surv. 52, 5, Article 91 (September 2019),
Analyzing Cyber-Physical Threats on
Robotic Platforms.

K.M. Ahmad Yousef, A. AlMajali, S. Abu Ghalyon, W. Dweik, B. J. Mohd
Sensors, 18, 1643 (2018)
Trustworthy Deep Learning in 6G-Enabled Mass Autonomy
C. Li, W. Guo, S. Chengyao Sun, S. Al-Rubaye, A. Tsourdos.
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (December 2020)
Mobility-Aware Proactive Edge Caching for
Connected Vehicles Using Federated Learning.

Z. Yu, J. Hu, G. Min, Z. Zhao, W. Miao, M.S. Hossain.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (August 2020)
Federated Learning Based Proactive Content
Caching in Edge Computing

Z. Yu, J. Hu, G. Min, H. Lu, Z. Zhao, H. Wang, N. Georgalas
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (2018)
How reliable are self-report measures of mileage, violations
and crashes?

A.E. af Wåhlberg, L. Dorn
Safety Science (76, 2015)
Accident proneness of bus drivers; controlling for exposure
L. Dorn & A. E. af Wåhlberg
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science
Volume 22 (2021)
Experience as a Safety Factor in Driving;
Methodological Considerations in a Sample of
Bus Drivers

A. af Wåhlberg, L. Dorn
Safety 5(2), (2019)
Behavioural culpability for traffic accidents
L. Dorn, A.E. af Wåhlberg
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Volume 60, (January 2019)
Bus driver accident record: the return of accident proneness
A. af Wåhlberg, L. Dorn
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science (January 2009)
Putting speculation and new materialisms in

L. Moffat
Palgrave Communications Volume 5, 11 (2019)
Ethics through Design: Medical data systems,
chronically ill data subjects, and all the invisible things in

M. Luján Escalante,
M. Büscher, E Tsekleves, M. Andersen, L. Nielsen,
P. Selinas, L. Moffat, J. Robins
International Association of Societies of
Design Research Conference (2019)
Autonomous Learning Systems: From Data Streams to Knowledge in Real time
P. Angelov
John Willey and Sons (Dec 2012)
Sense and Avoid in UAS: Research and Applications.
P. Angelov (ed.)
John Willey and Sons (May 2012) Available in English and Chinese
Seeing the invisible algorithm: The practical politics of tracking the credit trackers
J. Deville and L. van der Velden (2015) in L. Amoore and V. Piotukh (eds) Algorithmic Life: Calculative Devices in the Age of Big Data. Routledge, pp. 90–109
Digital subprime: Tracking the credit trackers
J. Deville (2019) in M. Featherstone (ed.) The Sociology of Debt. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 145–173.
Futures of credit risk assessment in the UK
J. Deville (2019)
London: Registry Trust Limited
Profiling IoT-based Botnet Traffic using DNS
O.P. Dwyer, A. K. Marnerides, V. Giotsas, and T. Mursch in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM, 2019), pp. 1-6.
Identifying infected energy systems in the wild
A.K. Marnerides, V. Giotsas and T. Mursch
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (2019)
Inferring BGP blackholing activity in the internet
V. Giotsas, G. Smaragdakis, C. Dietzel, P. Richter, A. Feldmann and A. Berger.
Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (2017)
Detecting peering infrastructure outages in the wild
V. Giotsas, C. Dietzel, G. Smaragdakis, A. Feldmann, A. Berger and E. Aben
Proceedings of the conference of the ACM special interest group on data communication, (2017).
Laguerre-based Adaptive MPC for Attitude Stabilization of Quad-rotor
O. Gonzalez and A. Rossiter.
UKACC Conference Proceeding, 2018.
A Time-Varying Shifting Strategy for Block Based MPC Solutions using the RTI Scheme
O. Gonzalez and A. Rossiter.
IFAC NMPC Conference Proceeding, 2018
Shifting Strategy for Efficient Block-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control using Real-Time Iterations
O. Gonzalez and A. Rossiter.
IET Control Theory and Applications, 2020
Model Predictive Control for Wave Energy Converters: A Moving Window Blocking Approach
J. Guerrero and O. Gonzalez.
IFAC World Congress Proceedings, 2020
Towards Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles in Rough Seas
D. Mccullough, B. Jones, J.A. Rossiter and O. Gonzalez
IFAC World Congress Proceedings, 2020
Fast Hybrid Dual Mode NMPC for a Parallel Double Inverted Pendulum with Experimental Validation
O. Gonzalez, A. Rossiter.
IET Control Theory and Applications, 2020
Sampling and Inference of Networked Dynamics Using Log-Koopman Nonlinear Graph Fourier Transform
Z. Wei, B. Li C. Sun, W. Guo.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, October 2020
On the accuracy and efficiency of sensing and localization for robotics
Z. Wei; B. Li; W. Guo, W. Hu; C. Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing , November 2020
Optimal sampling of water distribution network dynamics using graph Fourier transform
Z. Wei, A. Pagani, G. Fu, I. Guymer, W. Chen, J. McCann J and W. Guo.
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (Volume: 7, Issue: 3, July-Sept. 1 2020)